thumbnail image showing video screenshot for Meet Jen video in article on MyLife tools and effectiveness for autism support
autism news, Life, Families/Parents, Tools We Make, Supported Living, Uncategorized

New Video: Cognitopia MyLife Digital Portfolio Helps Tell Child’s Story

If you are the primary caregiver for a neurodiverse child, you understand how tiring and frustrating it can be to tell their story over and over again. Cognitopia My Life
picture shows the 171-unit housing project CVS is helping fund in Austin, Texas.
Supporting Those with Disabilities, Life, Supported Living

CVS Funds New Housing for People with Disabilities

CVS is a champion of people with developmental disabilities (DD), those at risk of becoming homeless, Through their Workforce Initiatives effort, CVS Health has established itself a leader in diversity and equity
FACT Oregon thumbnail image for 2022 Event
autism news

Get the FACTS about Transition

We’re excited to see that FACT Oregon is conducting its Transition to Adulthood Virtual Learning Summit on January 29th. Many decisions and new opportunities face students as they engage in
thumbnail image showing the blog post of the 4th installment of the where's cognitopia visual challenge
Life, Games

Where’s Cognitopia? Visual Challenge #4

Find all 6 of these logos in the photo below. Warning: They are different colors! Some say, “the third time’s the charm,” but I say it’s the 4th! Thus, here
image showing clasped hands, old and younger

The Four Different Types of Dementia

Just as there are different kinds of cars, restaurants, or weather, the neurological condition known as “dementia” comes in a variety of forms that have their onset at different ages
picture showing person cooking and being independent in living situation
autism news, Life, Customer Stories, Tools We Make, Supported Living

Cognitopia Fosters Independence

Through Cognitopia’s long-time collaboration with Supporting Living, Learning, andEarning with Autism (SLLEA), we’ve been helping young adults with autism to be moresuccessful in learning how to live on their own,
an image of hot chocolate floats from the routine Hot Chocolate Holiday Floats
Recipes, Life, Families/Parents, Supported Living

Holiday Recipe: Hot Chocolate Floats

Perhaps you have enjoyed some of our recipe routines in the recent past? Hopefully so. And to keep it rolling, here we go again! This time we are featuring some
thumbnail image for Visual Challenge #3 Where's Cognitopia Logos Winter holiday-themed
Games, Life

Where’s Cognitopia? Holiday Visual Challenge #3

Find all 6 of these logos in the photo below. Warning: They are different colors! The holidays are upon us and what better time to test, once again, your “Where’s