Cognitopia Think Work: How to Prepare for Work the Next Day
Getting ready for your next day of work the night before will save you time, reduce anxiety, and make things easier. Getting to work on time is important, and getting the right start to the day can mean the difference between a fantastic day and one that is more challenging. Use our Routines tool below
Cognitopia Think Work: How to Stock Store Shelves
Working at your job involves doing may involve doing things in a very specific way. For instance, if If you work in a retail store you might need to know how to stock store shelves with new products to keep the shelves full and looking nice. Using Cognitopia’s Routines tool you can use your phone to access follow step-by-step
Cognitopia Think Work: Using Public Transportation to Get to Work
You applied and got the job. Now you need to figure out how to get there! With Routines, you can create step-by-step directions to use on your phone to help with that. Below is an example here that shows how to use Washington D.C.’s Metro transit system. Click the following link or scan
Direct Support Professionals Recognition Week September 11-17
The work performed by direct support professionals (DSPs) is critical to quality of life for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). In Oregon alone, where Cognitopia is based, over 30,000 people with IDD rely on DSPs for support at work, at home, and in the community. Cognitopia joins the National
Disability IN: Inclusion Works – Virtual Corporate Showcase
INTERNSHIPS FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Opportunities come along once in a while that are worth noting. The Virtual Corporate Showcase, sponsored by Disability IN: Inclusion Works, is one such event that is worth following up on. Companies across the gambit, from Amazon to Nike to Dupont, are accepting resume
Innovative Training for Integrated Employment at Tennessee Rehabilitation Center
As we celebrate National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), innovative, new technologies are being deployed in Smyrna, Tennessee at the Tennessee Rehabilitation Center (TRC), a program of the Tennessee Department of Vocational Rehabilitation. TRC offers training for integrated employment in a wide variety of occupations, ranging from auto mechanics and
Webinar: The Importance of Including and Supporting Individuals with Disabilities in America’s Workforce
Image: With National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) in full swing during the month of October, we are seeing and focusing on employment-related resources set to assist people in need. The above-noted webinar, which is funded by the Administration for Community Living (ACL), is set for Monday, October 12th,
SPOTLIGHT: CVS Health “Abilities in Abundance”
October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), and when it comes to diversity and disability inclusion-based hiring, CVS Health is charting a path worth following. CVS is an industry leader in helping people with disabilities overcome barriers to employment, demonstrating the tremendous, untapped potential in this workforce. With proper
Podcasting: It Can Provide Opportunities for People with Autism
Leveraging special interests is a great way to engage people with autism in the world around them. Getting someone on the spectrum to talk about their area of special interest is not difficult. Rather, the challenge lies in getting them to shift to other topics or to show interest in
Transitions Cost More Than $2.3B in IDD Support Services
Cyclic Regression Causes Expensive Turnover, Painful Restarts, and Critical Struggles. Decrease staff training costs. Create smoother transitions for clients. Preserve your investments in human resources. Have a sustained impact on client quality of life. You have a clear and special mission to support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD),