Cognitopia Think Work: How to Prepare for Work the Next Day

a to do list

Getting ready for your next day of work the night before will save you time, reduce anxiety, and make things easier. Getting to work on time is important, and getting the right start to the day can mean the difference between a fantastic day and one that is more challenging. Use our Routines tool below to explore a useful checklist of things to do before … Read More

Cognitopia Think Work: How to Stock Store Shelves

person crouched down, stocking a store shelf

Working at your job involves doing may involve doing things in a very specific way. For instance, if  If you work in a retail store you might need to know how to stock store shelves with new products to keep the shelves full and looking nice. Using Cognitopia’s Routines tool you can use your phone to access follow step-by-step directions to complete the job. Here’s a routine that does just that: … Read More

Cognitopia Think Work: Using Public Transportation to Get to Work

an illustration of a subway

You applied and got the job. Now you need to figure out how to get there! With Routines, you can create step-by-step directions to use on your phone to help with that. Below is an example here that shows how to use Washington D.C.’s Metro transit system.  Click the following link or scan the QR code above to view the Routine for LEARN … Read More