Think College Model Seeds Transition Opportunities for Inclusive Post-Secondary Education

We are pleased to have just exhibited at SOTA 2021 where so many of the great Think College programs participated. Think College, based at the Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston, is a national organization dedicated to developing, expanding, and improving inclusive higher education options for people with intellectual disability. Cognitopia collaborates with several Think College programs including Montana State University (LIFE Scholars), Utah State University (Aggies Elevated), University of Nevada Las Vegas (Project FOCUS) and University of Nevada Reno (Path to Independence). We also have a great Think College program in our own backyard in Portland State University’s (Career and Community Studies).

The Many Resources of Think College

The myriad programs and resources available for people with intellectual disabilities through Think College are impressive. From student advocacy programs to transition assistance to college search tools that help find the best fit, Think College is an excellent place to start (and stay) when looking for ways to expand transition options for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Below are just a few direct excerpts from the full website that may be useful:

Think College Emerging Advocates Group
Led by and for people with disabilities, the Think College Emerging Advocates Group meets quarterly to discuss a range of topics with student advocacy as a focus. Recent talks have covered the subjects of disability rights, COVID-19, voting and more. Click here to explore this group and its mission further.

Think College National Coordinating Center (NCC)
The NCC provides support, coordination, training, and evaluation services for Transition and Postsecondary Education Programs for Students with Intellectual Disabilities (TPSIDs). This center offers these services to TPSID grantees, as well as other programs for students with intellectual disability nationwide. The NCC also provides on-demand technical assistance, training resources, and support to all college programs for students with ID, families and students. They develop and disseminate resources aimed at increasing knowledge of the evidence-based practices needed to develop, implement, and evaluate high-quality higher education opportunities for students with intellectual disability. (summary via Click here to explore this center further. 

Think College: Moving Transition Forward
Moving Transition Forward is a research project comprised of three phases of analysis on data collected about students attending high schools and college-based transition programs across the U.S. to define, explore, and compare critical aspects of two models of transition services via secondary analysis of national datasets. (summary via Click here to explore this program further.

Head to Think College’s main website to explore more of what they have to offer in their mission to assist and advance the lives of people with intellectual disability.

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